
Thank you for taking the time to visit our new website!  We are currently building it out to serve as our platform for helping entrepreneurs live a prosperous life in every facet, not just financially.  We will be adding information regularly to this site, so make sure you subscribe to receive updates.

You may have gotten to this page after you read my story in the book Persistence, Pivots and Game Changers.  Or perhaps you are a real estate specialist who is feeling stuck, and looking for a better path on your journey.  You may not even be in real estate, but an entrepreneur, or striving to become one, and want a roadmap to avoid some of the detours on the road ahead.  

Regardless of how or why you are here, you are where you are meant to be.  No, I am not just talking about this specific resource.  I mean you are where you are meant to be in your life.  You have gotten to this point based on the decisions and choices you have made.  

Since none of us are perfect, I am willing to bet that they haven’t always been the best decisions or choices…or the right ones for that matter.  I can only speak for myself, but when I have made the wrong decision in the past, it was for one of two reasons:  1) I didn’t have access to enough information to make a more informed decision, or 2)  I had enough access to the information I needed, but I chose to ‘shoot from the hip” instead.  

And guess what?

In both those scenarios my outcomes were sometimes good, sometimes great, sometimes bad, and a few times terrible. 

 I had zero consistency.  It was like driving to a place I have never been before with no map and no GPS.  I might get to the destination, but I will probably waste a lot of time, and resources in the process.

Once I started to take personal growth and development more seriously, I began to understand and track when I was making better decisions compared to when I was just “shooting from the hip.”  I began to see certain things and situations repeat themselves and I would learn from them.  One of the lessons I learned was when my mindset was positive, accountable, and coming from a place of abundance, not only were my decisions and choices better, but the outcome was always better.  However, when I had a negative, victim based mindset and came from a place of lack, my decision making skills suffered, and the outcome was almost always worse.  In fact, the only times it was better, was if it was pure luck.  

That made me realize I needed a game plan or a roadmap to making sure I would always be acting from a place of positivity, accountability, and abundance.  That is what led me to create a rough guide that, with Cindy’s help and guidance, I have turned into my path to a strong mindset.  I came up with the acronym P.A.V.I.N.G T.H.E W.A.Y to describe it, and I utilize it as the foundation for my coaching.  Please take a look at it below and let us know if you have any questions about it!


P= Principles.  Everyone needs a written set of principles that guides them not just through the bigger decisions we may need to make, but our everyday moves as well.  Without having a well thought out core set of principles, we are more likely to be swayed by the person or thing trying to persuade us at the moment.

A= Affirmations.  Your words lead to your thoughts.  Your thoughts lead to your beliefs.  Your beliefs lead to your actions.  Your actions lead to how you speak to yourself and the loop continues.  It is just as easy to make it a positive feedback loop as it is to make it a negative one.

V=Visualization.  This isn’t fake it until you make it.  This is seeing your future self winning.  Whatever winning means to you.  But make sure to internalize it, not just daydream about it.  Truly see yourself in the moment. What does it sound, look, and feel like?

I=Integrity.  You need to have integrity in every relationship you have, including the relationship with yourself.  Always be honest with yourself and others.

N=Nourish.  Nourish your mind with personal development and growth minded activities such as reading, listening to audio books or podcasts, and going to events and seminars, etc.  Did you know only 3% of the population is growth minded?  Make sure you are part of the 3%.

G=Grit.  Life is going to throw you curveballs whether you are homeless, or Elon Musk.  You need to build the skill of being tenacious and the muscle to get back up every time you get knocked down.  It is only a loss once you quit.

T=Truth.  Always live your truth.  Not just telling the truth, but standing by your truth.  Standing up for what you believe in and not being afraid to be different.

H=Health.  Always a tough one for me, but the reality is your sleep, exercise, and nutrition play an integral part in how your mindset is and the weaker these three are, the weaker your mindset will be and vice versa.

E=Energy.  The higher your energy, the better your outcomes.  High energy leads to high activity and high activity leads to higher results.  

W=Why.  As in what is your Big Why?  Without clarity as to why you are willing to put in the effort, fight the battles, show up each day with energy and grit, it is easy to get lost in your way.  It is also much more likely that you will lose focus, get distracted, and chase shiny objects.

A=Attitude Of Gratitude.  We are more fortunate than 99.9% of the world, just because we were born in this country.  Be thankful every day for that.  Be thankful every day for being able to open your eyes this morning.  Be thankful every day that you have the ability to make your life and someone else’s life better every day.

Y=Yes.  As in say yes to something big that scares you and then figure out how to do it along the way.  Our biggest growth lies just past our fears.  And our fears are always worse than reality.  In fact a great acronym for fear to remember is false expectations appearing real.  You grow as a person every time you say yes to something that scares you.